Friday, August 08, 2008

08 08 08

OK so as everyone in the world watches fireworks, on the Chinese "luckiest day" opening of the Olympics, I'll be watching too. What a "bang up, spectacularly lucky summer!" And--we didn't get to Tybee YET!

Mercury miles traveled, gas & motel expenses, phone calls, emails, coupons cashed in, tears and prayers for friends and families' losses, some scary days and stormy nights. Oh, and giggles, painting my oasis, Sam's appendectomy, Sam and Luke and Ben & Andrea's weddings, ...and that's just what I remember. Next up, anticipating arrivals from LA,then flights CO, Philly, and Switzerland to Cht. Anyone want to go to Tybee before the summer ends?

Now, though, there's this blog to jog me into keeping an online journal.
so 08 08 08 is another great day--with fireworks!

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